Eesti Sõjamuuseum - kindral Laidoneri Muuseum. Eesti ohvitserid 1918-1940.
Otselink isikule:  
Eesnimi Georg
Perenimi Davidenkov
Isanimi Aleksei
Sugu mees
Sündinud 28.12.1897  
Auaste lipnik
Eriala ja tiitlid arhitekt
Kommentaarid 1928 Austraaliasse:

Leading figures in the Sydney's fledgling Russian community in the 1930s were George
Davidenkov, a former officer of the Russian Imperial Army, architect and musician, who
arrived in Sydney from Estonia in 1928, and his wife, Irina Belinsky, the daughter of a former
governor of Sakhalin. Their marriage in 1934 in the Greek Church was probably the first
Russian Orthodox wedding in Sydney. Davidenkov served as President of the Russian House
for many years, while Irina worked in its libraryand was the first teacher at its Russian school
which opened in 1941.
1 Reservi arvestuskaart, Saaga NB! Lingi avamiseks peab olema Saaga registreeritud kasutaja
Sündmused [2]
jrk SündmusKirjeldusAeg
1 sünd Narva28.12.1897
2 teenistus registreerimisele ilmunud -> reserv (reservi arvamine), lipnik09.12.1921
Eesti sõjamuuseum - Kindral Laidoneri Muuseum